Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If you know anything about the education world, you'll appreciate this...

Today we had mandatory TCAP training for about an hour or so after school.  It was the same ole, same ole.....make sure the kids write their name on the test booklet, you can't help them in any way, turn off your phones, blah, blah, blah!  But, it is nice to have a reminder every year just so there are no questions about test security and so forth!

ANYWAY, to start the session off, our principal found the cutest song/video ever!  If you have a few minutes to spare, please go here and watch it for yourself.

This video is so true to our everyday just don't know!  We are constantly reminded and bombarded with testing jargon and such and we are constantly reminded of how we should teach the SPI's that are covered on TCAP!  So, this video is too funny.....just thought I'd share!  Happy Wednesday....only one more day til our long weekend!  Whoo Hoo!

xoxo, Kara C:

1 comment:

LeAnne Grissom said...

I am not sure which book it is. Math 1410 is what I am reg for. I am so excited for you guys. I have know Brandon and Randi forever and Irene is a very special person to me. I know she is just about to bust with pride. I will have to search to see what book I will need. Thanks have a great weekend and Easter.