Guess who was right???? That's right....ME!! Momma knows best! :) Just kidding, just kidding! But, seriously, Harper is right on track. She weighed approx. 4.14 three weeks ago and they say that you can kind of plan on a 1/2 lb. each week the last little bit. That's where my guess came from. LOL So, today, they said she weighs approx. 6.7!!! I was so excited. This means that maybe she'll be around 8 and 1/2 lbs. at birth! I really thought we would have a much bigger baby than that, so I am tickled! The lady that does our ultrasounds is so sweet and she is just the best. We are going to miss seeing her every week! I asked how close she usually was to the actual birth weight and she said she's off a little sometimes. Well, I was thinking a few pounds....nope! A few ounces! I can handle that! Then, I had my regualar appt. and I met with the last dr. in the office. Now I have met them all, but hopefully my doctor will deliver Harper! But, after she checked me, she said I looked perfecto! Harper is measuring in about the 60th percentile and I am looking great! So, looks like we have about three and a half weeks til we meet our daughter!!!! Yay!!! Please keep us in your prayers over these next few weeks that everything continues to go perfectly! We can't wait to meet our little blessing! Well, I'm off to bed now....I am worn out and my feet are sooooooooo swollen!
xoxo, Kara C:
P.S.- I have a few pics from today that aren't really good, but they are out in the car and I don't feel like going outside to get them. LOL I'll post them next time!
Curtis was only suppost to weigh about 8lbs, but came out 9lbs 6oz.. You could still get a big suprise. Sounds like you guys are ready for Harper. Hope you have a good rest of the week. Only a few days left yeah! We finish this week..
looking forward to meeting harper!
Well now I would really like to meet miss Harper one day!!! I am getting excited!!! Glad all is well and she is growing.
yayyy! Kara! What fun is ahead for you 3!!
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