Sunday, July 11, 2010
Harper's 1 year pictures
Temper Tantrum 411

Another friend suggests that she loves this book and I'm thinking about buying it to read while I'm on the beach. Have any of you ever read or know anyone who has read this book? Is it worth a read?
Now let me say...we do believe in spanking, and Harper does get little spankings occassionally. But I think she's too young to be spanking all the time, so we redirect, distract, and do anything else prior to spanking. That's why I'm hoping this book or some of you will have some suggestions for me! Thanks!
xoxo, Kara
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Date Night!

I'm baaaaaaaaack!
I don't know that I'll go back and try to blog about everything I skipped, but I'll definitely be hitting the highlights....especially her big birthday bash!
I'm happy to be back and I hope there are still a few people who check on us...and maybe more will start once we get back in the swing of things! I can't lie...I've been busy and having lots of fun during my blogging break (of 6 months! ha!) but I'm ready to share!!! So check back daily for the next few days! I promise not to disappoint!
xoxo, Kara C:
Friday, May 7, 2010
Baby Name Mania!
Obviously, you already know we have one daughter named Harper Claire. (Hence the reason I began reading Kelly’s blog when I discovered she had a daughter w/ the same name!) I don’t really know how on earth my husband and I ever finally agreed on a name. Boy names were done! We had decided on our son’s name before we even married. But, the girl name…not so much! I had always thought I would name my little girl Kenadie (Kennedy w/ a twist). But when the time came, that name just didn’t do it for me. Plus, it seemed like every time I would look in our local newspaper, there was a little girl named Kennedy in there. So, that name was out. We went through what seemed like hundreds of names…and either one or both of us just didn’t like it. Then, we ventured back to fall 2007, when I heard the name Harper on an MTV commercial and fell in love. Brandon said, “Now that’s a name I like!” And, I thought, “You know…I do too!” So we talked about it for a few days, and it just seemed right. And, since her first name was one that could be used for a boy or girl, I wanted a really girly middle name. I really wanted to use a family name, but just wasn’t coming up with anything. Then, I thought of Claire. My great-grandfather’s name was Clarence, so I just knew that was it. We started referring to my growing bump as Harper Claire, and it suits her to a T!
Knox William (or Michael)
Knox is the middle name of one of my first cousin’s who passed away from diabetes. We were super close and I knew from that moment, that I wanted to name my child after him one day. The William and Michael are the names of my and Brandon’s dad…so we haven’t fully decided which one to use! And, if we were to ever have another boy, I love the name
Liam Michael
Now for the HARD part….girl names!!!!! Ahhh….why do girl names have to be so difficult? I have a really hard time w/ this because I have so many sweet monogrammed things, that part of me really wants to stick with Harper’s same initials so that I can reuse all of her stuff. Then, part of me thinks…but once they’re teenagers, everything won’t be monogrammed! So, do I really want to do that? I DON’T KNOW!!! I know it’s stupid of me to worry about now since I don’t see any more kiddos in our near future, but it’s something to think about, right? Like the boys’ names, I love all the trendy names: Finley, Piper, Willow, Stella….but Brandon isn’t big on any of those. And now, some friends just named their little girl Stella, so that’s out! I kind of hesitate to put this out there, because the girl name industry is sooooooo competitive! Ha! But, if I were to have a little girl anytime soon, her name would most likely be…..
Hollyn Caroline
I just think it’s cute and sweet and sounds like a Kara-name! lol But, if I were to decide not to go with the HCF initials, other names I absolutely love are….
SEE WHY I STRESS OVER GIRL NAMES?? Haha Oh well…I will cross that bridge when the time comes! Thanks for stopping by and I can’t wait to explore everyone’s baby names!
Xoxo, Kara C:
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
OH MY!!!
xoxo, Kara C:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Just this once....
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Fun in the sun at Lincoln's Place!
So, when he passed away, there was a committee formed who wanted to do something special. They decided to "fix up" a local park and make it a fun place again for kids again. AND THEY SOOO DID IT! They renamed the park Lincoln's Place and it is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!! So, Harper's first park experience just had to be there.Here we are standing by the sign and you can see my parents names under the committee group. This place means more to me than anyone will ever know!
As we arrived at my parents house, I found out that my two cousins were there to play too. We had so much fun with them.
Rachel even took Harper down the slide for the first time and she LOVED it!
Although, I think swinging was her favorite!
We even attempted to ride the pony.....but it was not a success! ha!
We had a wonderful day and I can't wait to spend more time there in the future. Thanks to all of my family who joined us there to make one of Harper's "firsts" such a special memory for me! If you're ever in the area, you should definitely stop by and check out Lincoln's Place. I definitely see some future birthdays taking place there and I can't wait!
xoxo, Kara C:
The many hats of Harper...
Then, one day while I was at my parents' house, I starting searching. Brandon's parents always have all this stuff from when Brandon and his sister were babies and I knew my mom had some stuff so I started looking. I found several sweet dresses that Harper had already outgrown, but I found another thing that I loved!!! It was a little sweater and bonnet, so I brought it home to try on her!I LOVE IT!!! Even if she does look like Laura Ingalls! ha! :)
I'll have to put more pics of her up w/ the whole ensemble! It really is too sweet and I can't wait to take it for her 9 month pictures!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Coming soon....
Friday, February 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy Brandon!
And, we decided to pose for a family picture only to realize we had our niece! ha:) And, then looked what else was going on in the picture......I about laughed myself to death when I saw this picture....I was afraid her mom might kill me for posting it, but it was too difficult to resist! Priceless, right?
As Madelyn was leaving, she was loving on me, so we decided to pose for another family and sister....
Monday, February 15, 2010
Harper is 8 months old!
I was packing up some of her clothes that don't fit anymore and I could've cried when I had to pack up the bow she wore home from the hospital....
However, I love how Harper is growing, changing, and doing new things everyday! She is at the age where she is so much fun! It's hilarious when we leave her playing in the living room to run in the other room for 2 seconds, and when we return, she's no where to be found! I just have to laugh when this happens because as soon as I yell her name, here she'll come crawling around the corner! She is the joy of our lives!
At 8 months, Harper is:-wearing size 2 diapers
-wearing anywhere from 6-9 months clothes
-crawling and pulling up everywhere and on everything!!!
-babbling all the time (da-da is her favorite) :(
-has her 2 bottom teeth completely in
-eats 3-4 six ounce bottles each day plus cereal w/ fruit for breakfast, veggies at lunch, and veggies and a fruit/dessert at supper
-LOVES her yogart melt snacks
-takes 2 naps everyday and sleeps around 10 hours each night
-is really beginning to "play" with her toys
-is the absolute highlight of our lives!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
TISSUE PAPER!! I'm pretty sure that is one of her favorite things right now! ha:) She could not have cared less about her presents, she just liked the wrapping. So, after I assisted her with getting all of her goodies out, I let her have a ball.And my beautiful flowers from Daddy...
I wanted to have a family picture on Harper's first Valentine's Day and just did not work out as I wanted...
We did the timer thing and that didn't work, so I opted for a good picture to at least have....well...a picture! ha:) Harper looks tired, Brandon looks scared, and I look pasty! Lovely! lol
After church, I decided I needed to get a picture of Harper with all of her goodies since I've done that every holiday! I am quickly seeing how having a busy 8 month old is not quite as easy to get her to be photogenic as it was when she was itty bitty! BUT, while I was getting everything ready and before I got Harper ready, I caught her doing this....She had pulled her new capris off the couch and was chewing on the tags. It was so cute so I just had to take a picture! So I finally got her all ready and just knew I'd get a cutesy picture....and here's what I got...
Gees! Can't a girl get a break? All I needed was a little smile....but I.WAS.NOT.GETTING.IT.FROM.HER!! No ma'am! Oh well...these will have to work! Since you can't really tell anything in this picture, I wanted some closer up of her goodies.
After all was said and done, I think she was happy....cause THEN she decided to flash me one of these....
Oh, how I love my little Valentine! Hope you had a happy day with your loves!
xoxo, Kara C:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Harper is 7 months old!!
So, what all is Harper up to at 7 months:
-She still sleeps wonderfully at night and usually takes a few naps through the day!
- She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, 2 veggies at lunch, and usually 2 at night. She usually only takes around 4 six ounce bottles each day.
-She is a crawling machine and (at 7 months) she was trying to figure out how to pull up! She definitley has the hang of it now. She finally realized how to do it Sunday 1/24 and hasn't stopped since. She stands up everywhere now!
-She smiles all the time and is such a happy baby!
-She is definitely beginning to get her own little personality. We now KNOW if she doesn't like something or isn't happy! It's funny to a point...but she's gotten to where she'll throw little fits...that's where it stops being funny! lol
-She lights up when either of us come in the room...and it really is the sweetest thing I've ever seen! :)
Well, it looks like I'll be doing her 8 month post soon! ha! It's sooooooooo hard to believe that it's been almost 8 months since we had the sweetest blessing on Earth!
xoxo, Kara C: