Technically, my mom doesn't turn 50 until this Saturday....BUT we always do a fall family cookout at their house, but this year we (me and my SIL) were in charge because we wanted to use it as the opportunity to do a surprise party for her! BUT she's like me and super of course she caught on before we could completely pull it off....but we still kept her in the dark until almost time for the party! Oh well...we were able to get some people there that she didn't expect, so at least that was a surprise. It turned off to be very cool outside that weekend, but we still had a good crowd and a good time. We had planned on doing a hayride, but then decided we probably wouldn't do it since it was so cold...but instead, we left out at 9:30 and just drove VERY slowly! Don't worry....Harper and I (and several others) rode inside! lol That's as much of a hayride as she needs right now!
She was really surprised at how much we went into decorating a fall cookout at a barn, but we had to go all out for a party! There were many people who worked behind the scenes and helped me pull everything know who you are...and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU soooooooo much!!! I could not have done it without you! So, with that, here are some pics......
The overall look.....Close up of the awesome pumpkin centerpiece Brandon carved...
Decor at the ends of the table....(check out those huge ferns from Mama and Daddy's house! I wish I had a green thumb like that)....
The sign in table w/ her card and all of her baby pix that Daddy snuck out to me....
Her carrot spice cupcakes (carrot cake is her fave), vanilla, and chocolate cupcakes courtesy of Miss Paula...
The A-W-E-S-O-M-E dessert table w/ lots of yummie goodies...
A VERY special gift handmade by some great friends that go to church with them...
Isn't it gorgeous?? I'm telling you...this guy can do anything! He's going to build the playhouse and play set for our kiddos one day! He's awesome!
And, last but not least, I'll leave you with one last photo of my husband's awesome carving skills! The pumpkin looked so good lit up at night...Happy 50th Birthday Mama (aka Granna)!! Thanks for everything you do for us and for always thinking about us! We love you!
Brandon, Kara, and Harper Claire
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